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Commentaires - Brésil : un pétrolier adepte du biocarburant !

Séverine Alibeu , mis à jour

Brésil : un pétrolier adepte du biocarburant !

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Merci pour cet article, c'est intéressant ! Je n'avais pas  encore eu connaissance de ces infos !

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cool la photo illustrant la news

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tous les pétroliers devraient se mettre davantage au biocarburant

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Mr:Bennour Walid   Cité 109 Logts Bloc01 N°12,Bordj Bou Arreridj                        Algeria   Tel: (+213) 077-98-69-90                                            Fax: (+213) 035-68-70-20                                                 E-mail: abdelhamid190@yahoo.fr                                                                             Application job         My Object: I’d like to work in your company.   My name: Bennour Walid. Born on: April 12th, 1982 à Bordj Bou Arreridj, Algeria. I have obtained Diploma of: State Engineer Degree. Section: Chemical Engineering. Major: Refining. From the faculty of: Hydrocarbons and Chemistry. Department of Pharmaceutical and Chemical Processes Engineering. My object: I’m looking for job in your company. For taking more experiences. In addition, I’d like to find out more about the job. I’d like .I have two levels in the langauge English(Lower intermediate and intermediate) in the INPED of Boumerdes, Algeria. to take advantage of our remaining time in this company. to take as much headway as possible. I feel that additional practice is necessary to help me learn to speak correctly. I have good memorization skills. I’m sending all my documents. Finally, Would you mind calling me for any details?   Could you please send me some information about your organization? Would you mind helping me to find job in our company, please?   I’m sending my Thanks and my peace at all groups in your company.   Yours sincerely


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Mr:Bennour Walid   Cité 109 Logts Bloc01 N°12,Bordj Bou Arreridj                        Algeria   Tel: (+213) 077-98-69-90                                            Fax: (+213) 035-68-70-20                                                 E-mail: abdelhamid190@yahoo.fr                                                                             Application job         My Object: I’d like to work in your company.   My name: Bennour Walid. Born on: April 12th, 1982 à Bordj Bou Arreridj, Algeria. I have obtained Diploma of: State Engineer Degree. Section: Chemical Engineering. Major: Refining. From the faculty of: Hydrocarbons and Chemistry. Department of Pharmaceutical and Chemical Processes Engineering. My object: I’m looking for job in your company. For taking more experiences. In addition, I’d like to find out more about the job. I’d like .I have two levels in the langauge English(Lower intermediate and intermediate) in the INPED of Boumerdes, Algeria. to take advantage of our remaining time in this company. to take as much headway as possible. I feel that additional practice is necessary to help me learn to speak correctly. I have good memorization skills. I’m sending all my documents. Finally, Would you mind calling me for any details?   Could you please send me some information about your organization? Would you mind helping me to find job in our company, please?   I’m sending my Thanks and my peace at all groups in your company.   Yours sincerely

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I have Diploma of :State Engineer Degree.Major: Refining



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