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Commentaires - Hummer H2 Police by Geiger : Shérif fais-moi peur !


Hummer H2 Police by Geiger : Shérif fais-moi peur !

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c'est pratique a la premiere ruel tu le trace

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en même temps, des ruelles au Texas...


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L'est flippant,lui ! J'lui demande meme pas l'heure!!!

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La célèbre Dodge Charger des frères Duke a encore de beaux jours devant elle car elle passera toujours dans les petits chemins pierreux lui il risque d'y laisser une jante et d'être sérieusement handicapé.......

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c'est du combien les jantes du 32 ? :lol:

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ja tas ir milicis kurs rupejas pa npzidzibu :love:

€€€€€€ŒŒŒŒŒ :pfff: :pfff: :pfff: :pfff: :pfff:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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En attendant, c'est quand-même le meilleur en 4X4, mais aussi en consommation !

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esa hummer esta genial los felicito ojala hagan esas y muchas mas ,,,lo decea de corazon carlos corrales .chile FELICIDADES¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

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la stupidite porte a son paroxysme !! mais ca en devient marrant !!

pour le trip j'adore :love:

vous avez vu comment ca fait enorme les jantes a cote du gars !!

genial !! :lol: :lol:

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Even a faster Hummer H3


October 24, 2006

Supercharged Hummer H3 to Debut at Las Vegas's SEMA Show

So whats the big deal? There were numerous supercharged H3s at the SEMA show last year - what makes this one different? Well, this is the first two-speed super charger to be put in a high-performance car or SUV. The Hummer H3 will be displayed at Antonov's (the manufacturer) booth inside the show. The real fun will be on the proving grounds where a similar system has been installed in a Ford Mustang GT. According to Antonov, the torque and power at the rear wheels of the GT is boosted 58% with the two-speed supercharger. And although they haven't hooked the H3 up to any computers to test the output, they “confident of a similar performance boost for the Hummer.” {{Worlds fastest H3? I wouldn't be surprised...}}...........................................

To see this supurb Antonov supecharger in action goto: Good movie's with big sound' s.

Also a lot of detailed pictures of this combined Rotrex/Antonov supercharger with the Antonov AMM 2-speed set up module. http://www.antonov-clubsite.nl/000000962f000d411/00000097c90900001/index.html

In 31 oktober 2006 it will be demomstrated at the SEMA show in Las Vegas.

There is also a http://www.AntonovForum.com

Here we have all kind of discussions about this Antonov technology.


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October 24, 2006

Supercharged Hummer H3 to Debut at Las Vegas's SEMA Show

So whats the big deal? There were numerous supercharged H3s at the SEMA show last year - what makes this one different? Well, this is the first two-speed super charger to be put in a high-performance car or SUV. The Hummer H3 will be displayed at Antonov's (the manufacturer) booth inside the show. The real fun will be on the proving grounds where a similar system has been installed in a Ford Mustang GT. According to Antonov, the torque and power at the rear wheels of the GT is boosted 58% with the two-speed supercharger. And although they haven't hooked the H3 up to any computers to test the output, they “confident of a similar performance boost for the Hummer.” Worlds fastest H3? I wouldn't be surprised...


To see this supurb Antonov supecharger in action goto: Good movie's with big sound' s.

Also a lot of detailed pictures of this combined Rotrex/Antonov supercharger with the Antonov AMM 2-speed set up module. http://www.antonov-clubsite.nl/000000962f000d411/00000097c90900001/index.html

In 31 oktober 2006 it will be demomstrated at the SEMA show in Las Vegas.

There is also a http://www.AntonovForum.com

Here we have all kind of discussions about this Antonov technology.

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faut pas mettre ca entre les mains d'un flic, surtout au texas; car en moin dune semaine on le retrouvera sur le toit ou entre les deux murs d'une ruelle trop étroite... :pfff:

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il faudrai que la police francaise est ce hummer h2 pour les fous du voulant

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DES JANTES DE 28 POUCES!!!!!! :eek: Et la conso??????????????? :hum:

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Mouais, un texan quoi!



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